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Hosterra WP
Web Hosting
Hosterra Email
Domain Names

Join Hosterra!

Tired of feeding the infobesity of our society and being digitally dependent? By reinventing a new model of internet hosting, independent, secure, efficient, French and ethical, we offer everyone the power to remain in control of their data, to preserve the resources of our planet and to reconnect with the decentralized spirit of the internet.
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Why choosing Hosterra?

At Hosterra, we are constantly looking for innovative solutions that allow us to offer you a superior service, while cultivating a spirit of frugality, respectful of our planet's resources. With our 8 commitments, discover how we are different… And so proud to be!

Security without compromise

Communication and data encryption, multi-factor authentication, free SSL certificates for all hosting subscriptions, regular checks… We do everything possible to ensure the confidentiality, durability and integrity of your data.

Guaranteed privacy

The confidentiality of your data is guaranteed by a contract established between us. We are committed to handling your information through processors in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and to collecting and using only that which is strictly necessary for operations.

Straightforward one-stop service

In your personal space on, you will find all the features related to your account, whether technical or administrative, without having to multiply connections to access the information you need. Simple, practical… And rare!

100% European service

We are a French company, based on infrastructures mainly located in France, with a French speaking customer service… We remain open to the world but for the security of your data, we want our activity to evolve within the framework of European regulations.

No data transfer outside Europe

Currently, very few countries in the world offer a level of protection in line with the European General Data Protection Regulation. In order to not take any risk with yours, we made the choice to not allow any transfer of what you store on your servers.

Contained environmental impact

By using small servers, mostly located in France, we opt for the principle of short circuit, and aim for autonomy in electrical energy and limited water consumption. The materials we use are rigorously selected for their energy efficiency and recyclability.

High and balanced performance

Doing better, with less: by prioritizing smart design, speed and power of our machines rather than the overconsumption of resources, we are able to achieve a high level of performance, while ensuring the sobriety of the used means.

Assumed and shared transparency

We say what we do, and do what we say. No more, no less. For example, by giving our customers access to the power consumption indicators of the servers they use, our commercial promises become concrete, shared actions.

Let’s Get Started!

By choosing Hosterra, you are assured of a high level of performance, but also, and this is what makes all the difference, to entrust your data to a hosting provider for whom the preservation of the environment and the planet is not a marketing promise, but a promise at all.

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