28th Mar 2023
Come and meet us at WordCamp Paris!
WordCamp Paris will be held on April 21st. And Hosterra will be there!
A WordCamp is the must-attend event for all those who love WordPress: conferences, workshops, round tables, meetings and even a contribution day the day before...
And since we love WordPress at Hosterra, we decided to sponsor the event to give back to this community of ...
1st Mar 2023
New entry-level VPS offer
These last weeks, we have been working hard to offer you a new VPS hosting service that is efficient, secure… and affordable!Of course, its water and electricity consumption has been optimized, as for the other Hosterra services.
This new offer is called VPS-1 and we let you discover it.
And since it's time to celebrate this launch, we offer ...
21st Feb 2023
Water and electricity consumption
At Hosterra, we believe that we can all act - by our choices and our actions - to consume more responsibly for the same service. But to compare, we need to be able to measure. That's why we have just set up indicators in near real time of what the data centers we use consume. These indicators will be a first way for you to compare Hosterra to the ...
25th Jan 2023
Grand opening!
After several months of testing, we are pleased - and proud - to announce that the Hosterra platform is officially open to all!
We would like to thank all our customers who accepted to participate to this testing phase as well as all those who, closely or far away, brought their contribution, their opinions, their support and their ...